Feliz Navidad



Submitted Photo
Pictured left to right: Leila Hildebrand, Patricia Mitchell, Nancy Gower-Derhak, Al Derhak, John Drinkwater, Mary Anne Nylen, Mavis Kulbacki and Jim Danino. Missing: Angela Gower.

John Drinkwater
Neepawa Banner & Press

The final evening of their “Conversational Spanish” class, saw members of the six week course enjoying a Spanish potluck meal. Held on Tuesday, November 28 at Arts Forward, the program included many humorous and challenging games making use of their recently acquired language skills.

As many as fourteen members participated in the course, although not everyone was able to attend the final night. Instructor, Jim Danino, provided the traditional “Paella,” a delicious Valencia seafood rice dish and presented  individual  graduation certificates at the conclusion of the evening.

Director of Programming for Arts Forward, Rrain Prior, said, “This Spanish class was very popular. A number attending this course plan to participate in a follow up with another six new people interested. We plan to arrange a second more advanced course, probably during the 2nd week of January, 2018.

Contact Rrain at 204-476-3232 for information.