Three generations building for the future



The Lowry family presented a donation to the Beautiful Plains Community Foundation during the Donor Appreciation Night. From left: Lynda Lowry, Bert Lowry, Matthew Lowry, holding his daughter, and BPCF board chair Brad Walker.


Kate Jackman - Atkinson
Neepawa Banner & Press

The Lowry family chose to time their $15,000 Canada 150 Challenge donation to the Beautiful Plains Community Foundation to coincide with the 24 Hour Giving Challenge. This helped their donation stretch further by taking advantage of the matching dollars being offered by the Winnipeg Foundation and Province of Manitoba.

This was the fourth year for the challenge and after raising $18,000 in 2016, the Beautiful Plains Community Foundation (BPCF) saw donations totalling over $45,000 in 2017.  “The response this year was phenomenal,” said BPCF executive director Brenda Kryschuk, adding that donations made during the challenge have significantly increased over time, as donors better understand the event. “Matching dollars are a big incentive for donors like the Lowrys,” said Kryschuk, adding that many donors strategically chose Nov. 18 as the date to make their donation. The Giving Challenge topped off a big week for the Foundation, which also held its Donor Recognition evening on Nov. 14.