Observation - Oct. 27, 2017


By Addy Oberlin

There are several piles of “to do” on my table. Some need to be done right away, others can wait until later. There are also two lists that need to be taken care of. It is all a matter of organizing my affairs.

Most of us live a busy life and we could not live without calendars and lists to keep our life in order. Sometimes we need to organize our life into a different routine than what we were used to and not panic to make the adjustments.

When we look back we can see how God orchestrates our life. Nothing will happen without Him knowing about it and “the Lord will continually guide you (us)” (Isaiah 58:11). 

When we are in distress the Lord is there to guide us along and help us to be at peace and content in whatever situation we are in as Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11.