Looking Back - 1977: HMK School getting a facelift


By Cecil Pittman 
Neepawa Banner & Press

80 years ago

Friday, October 15, 1937

Two cars were badly damaged Saturday night as a result of a collision near McIntosh’s corner, a mile west of town. C. D. Bolton was coming to Neepawa and Geo. Bray was going west. Mr. Bray was blinded by some glaring headlights and did not see Mr. Bolton’s car as he turned his automobile to go south and he crashed into its side causing over $200 damage besides smashing in the front of his own car.

70 years ago

Thursday, October 16, 1947

A number of Winnipeg ten pin bowling officials paid a fraternal visit to Neepawa on Monday and played a series of games with local trundlers. The best single game, 245, was rolled by Joe Irwin, of the Winnipeg Senior Leagues better bowlers. Local men taking part were: Bob Greentree, Fred Burgess, Tony Evans, Milt Baker, Horry Frampton, Don Bell, Jack White, Norman Cheetham and Dick McKenzie.

60 years ago

Thursday, October 17, 1957

The annual Halloween party for the youth of Neepawa and district will be entirely different this year, according to arrangements made by the boys and girls committee of the Neepawa Lions Club. It is planned to make this Hallowe’en a gala night for the youth of the district, a mammoth party will be held in the West Park School auditorium, and all children and teenagers are invited to attend in costume, if possible. The complete evening will be held indoors.

50 years ago

Tuesday, October 17, 1967

The latest request for improved facilities at the Neepawa District Memorial Hospital, made by the governing board to the Manitoba Hospital Commission earlier this year, asked for a 20 bed addition to the hospital, plus a complete renovation of the existing hospital. The hospital board supported this request with a number of points taking in population figures for the district served, breakdown of occupancy of the existing hospital beds and other factors. The first question usually asked is “How many beds do we have in the hospital now?” At the present time, the Neepawa District Memorial Hospital is termed a 35 bed hospital, and it is necessary to understand the allocation of the beds for various purposes. Eight of the beds are in the maternity ward, along with six bassinets. The eight beds are not available for any patients other than maternity cases. The paediatric ward contains two youth beds for children up to 12 years old, and three cribs for infants and children up to six years old. These beds are not for adult use. In the surgical departments the total rating is 22 beds, though there are 23 beds in use. On a recommended basis of six beds per thousand of population, a bed requirement in 1960, would have been 42. The same basis indicates a need now for about 60 beds in Neepawa. One medical practitioner had stated he was willing to locate in Neepawa last summer, but did not do so because of the lack of beds and facilities.

40 years ago

Thursday, October 20, 1977

The Hazel M. Kellington school grounds are in the early stages of undergoing a facelift. Last year, an addition to the playground was purchased by the school board and with the addition, attention has been focused on trying to improve the playground. Their reasoning behind improving the playground is simple, they want to promote good physical development, and provide constructive activity for the students to reduce petty quarrels and bickering at recess.

30 years ago

Wednesday, October 21, 1987

The Neepawa Inner Wheel Club hosted a very successful Rotary District Student Exchange weekend. 39 students from many countries of the world enjoyed a weekend of fellowship and Neepawa hospitality. Co-ordinator for the weekend was Myra Bennet. The October meeting saw 21 members and one guest present. The 1987 district project was renovating the Margaret Laurence home in Neepawa, which received good support. Following the business part of the meeting, Rotary president, Hartley Wilson, outlined the Rotary Club programs for the year and expressed appreciation for the Inner Wheel Club’s support.

20 years ago

Monday, October 20, 1997

Beautiful Plains Health Services Palliative Care Committee has applied for a $20,000 grant from Winnipeg’s Thomas Sill Foundation to establish a palliative care unit at the Neepawa Hospital. “We saw the need to establish this because the closest palliative care unit is in Brandon now,” Said Mary Ellen Clark, a member of the 10 person Palliative Care Committee. Clark said money from the Sill Foundation will cover the cost of furnishings to give the unit a homey atmosphere. Clark said if all goes according to plan, the unit will open in the spring of 1998.

10 years ago

Monday, October 22, 2007

Beautiful Plains School Division and Hazel M. Kellington are asking the Town of Neepawa to create a safer crossing corridor at the corner of Mountain Avenue and Brydon Street. As well, the town has been asked to create four way stops at all four intersections directly adjacent to the school district.