School speeds and such


By Bruce Klaseen

Rivers Police Service Chief

Rivers Police Service would like to remind people we are just weeks away from back to school. As that time draws closer, you will notice new school zone speed signs will have been placed around Rivers Collegiate and Rivers Elementary schools.  Speeds in and around both schools will be 30 kilometres per hour from Sept. 1 right through to June 30; that speed limit is in effect from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. This has been done for public safety and is to be taken seriously. Rivers Police Service will be monitoring these areas and taking necessary action if required.

We would also like to remind motorists that when an emergency vehicle has its lights activated, you are required, by law, to slow to 60 kilometres per hour when passing said vehicle or tow truck on a highway; in town, drivers are legally required to reduce their speed to 30 kilometres per hour. The fine for this infraction is $299.65. 

The appropriate sections of Manitoba’s Highway Traffic Act state that when approaching an emergency or designated vehicle, the driver of a vehicle must take the safety precautions set out in subsection 2.1 (printed next) and when approaching one of the following vehicles that is stopped on the same side of the highway or is engaged in a roadside assistance or enforcement activity prescribed by the regulations or in another prescribed activity: (a) an emergency vehicle that has its emergency beacon in operation; (b) a designated vehicle that, in accordance with this Act and the regulations, is using (i) an emergency beacon or other lighting equipment and (ii) if applicable, warning or safety signs or equipment.

Basic safety precautions (subsection 2.1) are that the driver must: (a) slow down and proceed with caution to ensure his or her vehicle does not collide with the emergency vehicle or designated vehicle and does not endanger any person outside of it; and (b) pass the emergency vehicle or designated vehicle only if it is safe to do so.