Rivers & area council update - June 25, 2017


Council clips

Riverdale Municipality, May 16:

The lagoon for Riverdale Municipality is undersized and requires expansion in order to provide adequate wastewater treatment and storage for existing and proposed sources for a 20 year period; the current lagoon is a seepage system, which is not considered an acceptable method; council accepts funding under the provincial-territorial infrastructure component for 50 per cent contribution.

Marc Arvisais intends to build a permanent dwelling on Lot 2, Plan 55780 in the north half of 20-12-20W; a development agreement for that land states that the lot must be serviced by a holding tank; a septic field is a provincially-approved wastewater management system; the development agreement will be amended to include a septic field; Arvisais will provide written documentation of the system being installed, as well as supporting provincial approval. Council and CAO Kat Bridgeman were authorized to attend a district meeting in Carberry on June 15 with related expenses being paid. A police levy bylaw, as amended, passed third reading. A bylaw to establish a tax sale manager position passed third reading. Mayor Todd Gill, councillors Ian Dyer and Bryan Smith and CAO Bridgeman met with Minister Eileen Clarke of Indigenous and Municipal Relations to discuss policing, daycare, the lagoon and Mines and Minerals. The deputy minister will provide: real cost of RCMP coverage for the entire municipality, the existing contract between the former RM of Daly and the RCMP and verification on the authority to levy the rural under the current act. The province has referred the lagoon project to the federal government infrastructure program for 50/50 dollars; provincial funding is limited to $10 million with 85 projects looking for funding. The continuous extension of the daycare time line was discussed; funding is still being considered. The deputy minister will raise our concerns over the lack of participation/assistance from Mines and Minerals in relation to a proposed subdivision on the Lake Road. Spruce trees will be removed on the west side of the municipal office and the sidewalk extended to the west.


Finances: Council supports the June 9 and 10 Canada Day celebrations with a donation of $1,500. Accounts  of $576,255.77 and utility of $80,237.88 were passed for payment. A 2009 International 4400 Series rescue vehicle, included in the financial plan, was bought for $77,218.68; $75,000 was funded from the fire department reserve, $2,218.68 was from the fire department operating budget. A thermal imaging camera kit, as included in the financial plan, of $1921.32 was bought for the department, with funds from the fire department reserve. A John Deere commercial Ztrac mower with 60-inch deck, as included in the financial plan, was bought for $13,723.02; $12,500 was funded by the equipment replacement reserve, $1,223.02 was funded from the public works operating budget. Repaving the 400 block of Fourth Avenue was approved in the budget; funding through the Municipal Road and Bridge Program (MRIP) for $55,286.25 will be requested. Map Design was paid $2,835 for a map development database.


RM of Oakview, May 30: Councillors Gavin Reynolds and Ken Hyndman viewed Cardale Lakes with an engineer to get a quote for proposed work. Crushing has been completed in the Krahn pit. Hyndman reported on certain sidewalks in Rapid City that need to be repaired. Reeve Brent Fortune reported on a meeting with Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation to discuss repaving Hwy. 16 this summer from Hwy. 250-Hwy. 10. Council will ask that when repaving Hwy. 16, access into Basswood be repaved as well. The machinery committee reported on issues incurred with the former Rapid City truck.  A conditional use order for Ken Bayes to establish a mobile/modular home in the Urban Development Zone of 210 Sixth Avenue, Rapid City, was approved. Council approved a variation order for David and Sharon Rimmer to vary the front yard setback to 100 feet, to provide for the construction of an addition to their home on the southwest quarter of 35-14-22W. Ben and Chantel Oraschuk attended the public hearing for the animal control bylaw. The hearing was to receive further information regarding the order to comply with the bylaw, which limits the number of dogs to two per household. Information received from the ratepayer was received as well as information from Oakview’s lawyer. Council agreed to allow the ratepayer to keep the dogs he currently has, but once a dog passes away or is no longer living with the owner, the owner must comply with the number restriction; the bylaw will be amended to allow a grandfathering for dog owners who had more than two dogs on Aug. 11, 2015. The Contribution Agreement under the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund has been received for Rapid City’s lagoon project. Of the two applications received, council hired Douglas Luce as part-time landfill employee at Rapid City. Council will bill a ratepayer for costs incurred by Oak River utility due to damage done to a hydro pole on May 12. O.P. Knox will complete sidewalk repairs in Rapid City, 


Finances: Of the three quotes received for demolition and removal of the building, foundation and any contents and levelling of the Lot 12 and 13, Block 1 Plan 429 in Basswood, council accepted that of Country Ventures Repair & Maintenance Ltd. for $4,750; work will be done by July 15. Accounts of $94,345.17 and unpaid invoices of $170,054.42 were passed for payment. Gill Farms Ltd. was paid $100,458.76 for work completed to this spring to help prevent road washouts and for repairs completed due to the overland flooding.


Riverdale Municipality, June 6: Bruce Helgeson from the high school Hockey Skills Academy reported 67 kids, from novice to elite, were enrolled this year. Impact of the academy on the school and its students was discussed; council will continue to provide ice at no cost. The new water treatment plant is nearing completion; with only one letter of concern regarding the discontinuation of fluoride treatment, council approved the discontinuation. Council and Bridgeman were authorized to attend a fire protection workshop in Brandon on June 22 with related expenses being paid.

Finances: Rivers 50+ Club is applying for a $25,000 grant from New Horizons for upgrades to the club room, including new flooring, painting, upgraded bathrooms, and wheelchair accessibility; council supports their efforts by providing permission to complete these upgrades in their space which is the basement of the municipal office. Council supported Valleyview Sno-Riders with a $100 advertising sponsorship. Repairs of $63 to a broken angel statue at Rivers Cemetery will be funded by the cemetery trust fund. Prairie Crocus Regional Library was broken into for a second time. Rivers/Daly CDC are working on replacing the old highway signs. Donna Zinkiew, general manager of TAXervice Inc., was appointed tax sale manager for Riverdale Municipality. Ed Froese and Vianne Smart were granted a variation order to adjust the distance between the main and accessory buildings at SW 29-12-20 to eight feet. Council approved Manitoba Hydro’s proposed installation of a primary line and transformer at SW 10-11-20W, Bridges’ new residence. A bylaw to close a portion of municipal road passed third reading. Further changes will be made to the garbage bylaw. Dyer asked questions on the Deerboine Colony tile drainage project from Frontier, regarding hold harmless documentation. 


RM of Oakview, June 13: G.D. Newton and Associates Inc. will prepare a topographical survey and sketch the concept of a pumping system at Cardale Lakes. A temporary permit was granted to Oak River Parent Association to close a portion of North Railway Street on June 16 for their Canada 150 block party. Membranes need to be replaced at Oak River’s water plant in the near future. An Oak River utility billing error was brought to the attention of council. Reynolds updated council on the progress at Rapid City rink; concerns with the length of time repairs are taking will be discussed with the insurance provider. Drainage improvements in Basswood are to be placed in the road reconstruction tender to go out this year. A civic address map will be bought from Data Link Mapping and signs and posts from Airmaster Signs Ltd. Reeve Brent Fortune was authorized to attend the Heritage Canada-funded rural Canada Day celebration at Orland and Sherri Usick’s farm in the RM of Oakview on July 1 and to bring greetings at the event, which will include games, displays, live music, food, farmers market, car show, petting zoo and fireworks. An inquiry regarding number of interments in a plot and fees of same were discussed; bylaws are to be updated for municipal cemeteries. A main sewer line plugged in Rapid City was on municipal property; Marlene Neil will be reimbursed half the expenses from Mr. Rooter Plumbing. Council authorized Mark Smith to widen the approaches west of 16-15-19W and northwest of 14-15-19W; council will supply the necessary culverts. G.D. Newton and Associates Inc. will complete engineering services to assist on water flow concerns on the Oak River. Gill Farms Ltd. was contracted to remove large rocks from PR. 355 that are sticking out and causing maintenance concerns.


Finances: Council contracted Country Ventures Repair and Maintenance Ltd. to dispose of the additional buildings located on Lot 12 and 13, Block 1, Plan 429 in Basswood for $500. Eye Level Landscaping will complete scrubcutting in certain areas, up to a maximum of $25,000. Damage was done to a headstone in Rapid City Cemetery by maintenance staff; council agreed to replace the headstone of Irene Winter; Rapid City Memorials will complete the work for $400. Council donated $500 to Blanshard CDC for prizes for winning floats in the parade on fair day, July 17. Accounts of $17,943.24 and unpaid invoices of $62,170.27 were passed for payment. The next meeting is June 26 at 7:30 p.m.