Rural Council Clips - Dec. 22, 2016



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Riverdale Municipality, Dec. 6: Ken and Kevin Rempel of Steel Creek Developers discussed their proposed multi-family and hotel development in Rivers. A request for municipal participation was brought forth; a shareholder meeting is being hosted by them on Dec 7. The contract for curbside garbage/recycling collection expires Feb. 28; council believes it is in its best interest and more cost effective to convert the existing landfill to a transfer station, to extend the life of the landfill considerably.

Riverdale put out a request for proposals; three submissions were received covering Rivers, Wheatland, Chimo/Hwy. 25, together with collection depots to serve the rural areas; Municipal Waste Management (MWM) provided the best service at the most cost efficient rate; council accept the MWM proposal for a five-year period commencing March 1. Assistant administrator Marci Quane was authorized to attend a finance workshop in Portage la Prairie on Jan. 19 and 20; related expenses will be paid. Further discussion was held on a request to reduce the speed on Hwy. 25 from Rivers to Chimo to 80 kilometres per hour for safety reasons. The need to have this introduced in a public meeting was discussed and will be looked at, as well as opening the lines of communication with Department of Highways for their feedback.

RM of Oakview, Dec. 13: An additional heating system should be looked into for Rapid City’s public works shop. Property standards and staffing issues were discussed at the Midwest Planning District meeting; a building was removed on Dec. 3 and correspondence from the Ombudsman regarding property standards was reviewed with council. New pumps have been installed at Rapid City’s water plant. A precautionary boil water advisory was placed on Rapid City’s water because the lines were depressurized. Public works employees are looking for a leak so the advisory probably won’t be lifted until it is found. A contractor has been hired to assist with loaned equipment sometime in January. The insurance adjuster for Rapid City rink updated council regarding the claim; engineered drawings are to be obtained so a building permit can be completed. The following bylaws passed third readings: J.R. Girling Memorial Trust Fund, Basswood Cemetery Trust Fund, Basswood Cenotaph/Centennial Park Trust Fund and a Gas Tax Reserve Fund. Public Utilities Board is still working on the application for Rapid City’s water rates. Councillor Neil Wilson is seeking a person to replace Oakview’s representative on Minnedosa Hospital Foundation. Council agreed to donate trophies to the Atom’s Tournament of Champions in Oak River in January. One-year agreements with waste collection/hauling contractors in Oak River and Cardale were renewed for 2017. The following files were sent to Manitoba Archives: Blanshard minutes, 1884-1985; LUD of Oak River minutes, 1966-85; Marney Cemetery minutes, 1906-74; Oak River Ag Society minutes, 1904-79.

Finances: Council accepted Cecil Wilson’s offer of $1,000 to buy part of Lot 8, Lots 9 and Lot 10, Plan 476 in Basswood. School tax levies were paid to: Public Schools Finance Board, $6,786.06, Park West, $1,635.67, Rolling River, $19,532.74. The following transfers were made: surplus of up to $18,000 to Oak River Utility Reserve  from Oak River Utility Operating; surplus of up to $26,000 to Rapid City Utility Reserve and up to $4,000 to the Rapid City Lagoon Reserve from Rapid City Utility Operating; 2,000 from Oak River Utility Operating  to Oakview General Operating to cover administration costs; $600 to Oak River Utility nd $380 to Rapid City Utility for fire hydrant rental for 2016. Cemeteries grants were paid to: Oak River, $1,812.92; White Bank Lea, $713.53; Marney, $1,224.48; Miller, $223.42; Rivers Mennonite, $1,948.16; Pettapiece, $1,017.60; Basswood, Cadurcis and Newdale South, $1,250 each. (The policy for grants to cemeteries for the whole municipality is to be reviewed further.) Blanshard CDC was  paid $2,100 to support the conservation district office in Oak River as per Resolution #180/07, RM of Blanshard. Gill Farms Ltd. was paid $2,405.03 for road gravelling. Accounts of$139,039.53 and unpaid invoices of $96,836.85 were passed for payment.