Council Clips - Nov. 4


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Riverdale Municipality, Oct. 4: Council has applied for funding for the lagoon project under the infrastructure grant program. Glen Newton Engineering will provide updated costs for an Eighth Avenue subdivision. Requests for proposals for waste/recycling collection to be called for. Councillor Dave Falkevitch will contact Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District to provide surveying service for Rivers Cemetery. Training options  on the cooling system were discussed for arena staff/management. Claude and Sandy Trudel’s variation order from 30 feet to eight feet, front yard, at Lot 2, Plan 1315, Seasonal Residential was denied. Chief administrative officer Kat Bridgeman was authorized to attend a Marquis Training Session in Winnipeg on Nov. 3 and 4; related expenses will be paid. An offer to purchase Lots 1, 10 and 11, Plan 52327 (Dakota Drive) in Chimo Resort for $55,000 was denied. Newly planted trees along Willow Drive that have died need to be removed and replaced. Trees at the labyrinth will need to be protected over the winter from snowmobilers; public works staff will mark and fence off the areas. Councillor Bryan Smith requested the ATV bylaw be reviewed for designated trail in and out of town.

RM of Oakview, Oct. 11: Due to heavy rains in early October, some roads in Ward 3 had to be closed due to water running over them. Manitoba Highways will be contacted regarding holes in the asphalt in Rapid City and on Hwy. 24. Recycling containers were delivered to Rapid City and Oak River on Oct. 3; they will be emptied each Thursday. Improvements being made at Rapid City landfill, tipping fees for contractors, a container to store e-wastes and the recycling program were discussed. Gerald Bos has requested an access road into land for a new dwelling; council approved construction of a municipal road and will supply culvert that would need to be installed in the existing road allowance off Road 76N. Of five tenders received to remove and replace a wooden bridge on 83N between 30- and 31-14-22W, council accepted that of Lamb’s Construction.

An offer to purchase Lot 1, Block 4, Plan 429 in Basswood was declined. Council and chief administrative officer Diane Kuculym were authorized to attend the annual Association of Manitoba Municipalities convention Nov. 21-23 in Winnipeg; registration fees and related expenses will be paid. Council agreed to buy an ad in the Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario Command Military Service Recognition Book similar to the one purchased in 2015. Newdale Soils Committee request for sponsorship for a kiosk was reviewed and noted.

Finances: Of the three tenders received for the 1976 cargo van no longer required by municipality, council accepted that of $1,054.27 from Randy Wachnuk. Valley View Golf Club (Rapid City) requested a grant to pay for 2016 taxes; council granted them $2,691.42. Oakview residents  are playing on the Yellowhead Chiefs AAA midget hockey team; council agreed to buy a $75 ad in the 2016-17 program. Manitoba Water Services Board was paid $14,852.00 from the Oak River utility fund, as per the invoice dated Oct. 5. The three new graders have arrived; therefore, $400,000 was transferred from the Machinery Reserve Fund as per the 2016 financial plan. The enhanced 911 service fee for 2017 will be $4.01 per resident. Accounts of  $368,711.13 and unpaid invoices of $540,470.83 were passed for payment. Gill Farms Ltd. was paid $49,349.79 for gravel hauling and $56,900 for road reconstruction in Ward 1. Celtic Power and Machining was paid $497.77.

RM of Oakview, Oct. 17: Midwest Planning District development officer Wayne Poppel reviewed an application from Wim Verbruggen for the construction of a hog barn. A technical review report for Verbruggen Prairie Farms Ltd. was reviewed with Poppel. A date for a public hearing is to be set. Oakview’s building bylaw and enforcement of property standards bylaws were also discussed with the delegate. Six applications for the term full-time office position were received; interviews will be completed. Oakview has applied for cost-shared funding under the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) to complete an Environment Act Proposal for Rapid City lagoon and to upgrade hydro supply and to supply/install an emergency generator at Oak River sewage pumping station; these projects meet the incremental requirements of CWWF, meaning the projects would not otherwise have been undertaken between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2018 and without federal funding; Oakview attests  these projects can be completed by March 31, 2018; Oakview will proceed with these projects upon approval and a signed agreement in place with Manitoba. A meeting to discuss options regarding the operations of Oak River water treatment plant will be scheduled for early November.

Riverdale Municipality, Oct. 18: Ruth Mealy, Joy Dornian and Donna Morken discussed the long-term investment on employing an economic development officer. Eleanor Beever and Bruce Willows discussed concerns of planting non-indigenous trees on native prairie grass, in particular west of the cemetery; more information is to be gathered to determine if remediation is required. The municipality has applied for cost-shared funding under the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) for lagoon replacement; the project meets the incremental requirements of CWWF, meaning it would not otherwise have been undertaken between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2018 and without federal funding; Riverdale attests that the project can be completed by March 31, 2018; Riverdale will proceed with this project upon approval and a signed agreement in place with Manitoba.

Council accepted an access road agreement with Bridges Bros. Holdings to build up to a half-mile of road on Rd 117W to provide for development on SW 10-11-20WPM. Councillor Ian Dyer reported a meeting he attended with Riverdale Daycare Committee regarding provincial funding. Mayor Todd Gill reported on the importance of educating the public on our financial plan and its impact on taxes, and the missing flashing on the front of the building. The Rural Waterline Committee is to be notified of the billing for time and mileage to read meters submitted by RM of Wallace-Woodworth. Private lanes were discussed; the policy is to remain in place and to be adhered to. Accounts of $357,936.47 and utility of $26,073.03 were passed for payment.

RM of Oakview, Oct. 25: Road 80N (hospital road) had to be closed to traffic so it can dry out, be levelled and gravelled. A concern with a road that has the sides washing out was brought to the attention of council. An additional recycling container was delivered to Rapid City on Oct. 20. Costs for chemical used in Oakview and spray maps were received from Midwest Weed District.

Concerns regarding dogs running at large in Rapid City were brought to the attention of council. A variation order for Birch-Dalgarno to vary the minimum front yard setback to 80 feet for the construction of an addition was approved. Manitoba Infrastructure sent an email regarding the maintenance contract agreement rates for graders in Ward 2. Public Utilities Board approved increases in Rapid City’s water rates effective Jan. 1, 2016, 2017 and 2018.  

Samson Engineering inspected the kitchen regarding the municipal insurance claim at Rapid City Rink; hauling clay for the arena was discussed. CAO Diane Kuculym updated council regarding the replacing of water meters in Rapid City.  A quote to repair a hole at the water plant was reviewed. Some repairs are required at Oak River’s lift station. Kaye Wolstenholme, Gary Stewart, Ewan Common and Grant Lawford were  respectively appointed to Upper Oak River, Lower Oak River, Lower Little Saskatchewan and Lower Central Little Saskatchewan subdistricts of Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District. A public hearing to review the conditional use application of Verbruggen Prairie Farms Ltd. was set for Monday, Nov. 28 at 7 p.m. in Oak River Memorial Rink, hall. Council agreed to host a Christmas appreciation in Rapid City Legion  Hall on Sunday, Dec. 11. Council authorized Roger Lepp to build an additional approach into the northwest quarter of 17-13-22W, at his expense; Oakview will provide a culvert if needed. Veterans Affairs Canada sent a grant to repair the CATP air crash monument just east of Jct. 355 and 250. Rapid City & District Co-op invited council to its annual  meeting on Nov. 17.

Finances: A 40-foot shipping container to store e-wastes at Rapid City landfill was bought from Lanny Westwood for $4,000. Holly Brown was hired for the term full-time administrative assistant position at $16 per hour. VLT grants were given to:  Oak River Memorial Hall Committee, Rapid City Legion Hall, Basswood Hall ($1,000 each), Cardale Rink Association, Oak River Community Association, Rapid City & District Community Complex ($5,000 each). Minister of Finance was paid $6,263.26 as Oakview’s contribution to Family Services and Consumer Affairs. Council sponsored Thunder & Ice Snowmobile Club trail map in the amount of $250. Accounts of $696,004.46 and unpaid invoices of $117,253.71 were passed for payment. Celtic Power & Machining was paid $1,723.82 for water plant repairs and maintenance. The next meeting is Nov. 7 at 9 a.m.