Plumas UCW meeting


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The Plumas United Church Women (UCW) held their first meeting since their summer recess on Sept. 15.  Present were five members, who reported 17 visits to those ‘sick or shut in’ over the summer. To begin the meeting, president Norma Watson read a welcome back speech.

Minutes from the June meeting of the UCW were read and subsequently accepted. It is to be noted that the garden fared well, losing only one shrub – the lilac at the north end. Thanks were expressed to all those who worked in the community garden, prepared and took part in the parade and the individuals who looked after Ruby Cathcart’s funeral lunch.

Several correspondences were received, including a thank you from Fort McMurry in recognition for money sent as well as information on ‘Empower a Girl’. A motion was made and carried that when enough information is found, the Plumas UCW will contribute $100 to Empower a Girl.

The Fall Supper and health regulations regarding it were discussed. Along with the Fall Supper, logistics for various other events in the works were discussed. Planning meetings for the Fall Supper will be on Sept. 28 and Oct. 5 at 7 pm.

A date was set for the Fall/Christmas Tea and Bake sale - Dec. 3 at 11 am.

The next meeting for the Plumas UCW will be held on Oct. 20 at 7 pm.