May games coming


By Myrtle Woolridge


Rivers 50 Plus meeting was held on April 21 with 23 members in attendance. President Adrienne Beaudin has returned from her winter holiday and chaired the meeting, which opened with the singing of O Canada.

Hugh Depencier and Wayne Brown will attend the Westman Senior Citizen Council Inc. meeting in Brandon on May 9. Correspondence from Westman Council explained rules that are to be abided if hosting games.

Kathy Roberts and David Waterfield will donate cookies following our singalong at Riverdale Personal Care Home on April 26.

Doreen Bate showed a picture of a quilt made in 2000 for Manitoba Society for Seniors. There are 42 squares in the quilt; Doreen made the block representing Rivers 50 Plus Club and she explained the design she chose. 

Rivers is hosting court whist on May 5 and hot-shots on May 26. Hot shots will be preceded by a potluck lunch and Valleyview Seniors from Rapid City will be invited to attend this event.

Wayne presented the games report: North-South carpet bowling was held in Rivers March 31 in which eight teams participated and we served a delicious cold plate lunch; four teams took part in a table shuffle board tournament at Oak Lake; four members competed in darts at Rapid City; six members played euchre with Virden Seniors Club; three teams competed in snooker finals in Neepawa; four members played 12 games of crib at Deloraine on April 21; on April 8 eight people entered a team at Rivers United Church’s trivia night. 

Members at the birthday/anniversary table helped Bob and Charlotte McDonald celebrate their 63rd anniversary; a card will be sent to John and Helen Dyck who are celebrating their 64th  anniversary.

New members are always welcome to join our club.

The meeting adjourned with singing God Save the Queen and we sang Happy Birthday to the Queen, who turned 90 that day. Member Georgina Bollman was at a special tea in Winnipeg that day, open to people who were born in 1926; see separate story. Social time followed so we enjoyed coffee, cake and ice-cream.