Heritage Fair presents the history of Neepawa and the world




Photo by Kira Paterson. The Grade 5 students at HMK made projects to do with their heritage or the history of Neepawa and shared them with the younger grades.

By Kira Paterson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

The Grade 5 classes at HMK held their first ever Heritage Fair on Wednesday, March 23. The Grade 5s picked a topic to do with either their background, the history of their home country or the history of Neepawa to research and present, similar to the format of a science fair. 

They had their boards set up in the classrooms and the halls for teachers, other classes and family to come and see. Projects ranged from local hockey heroes, to Metis culture, to Filipino celebrities. 

Many of the kids got information from their parents and grandparents, others interviewed people from the community about local history such as the Agassiz Drive-In and the Lily Festival. 

Some of the students also had contests with their projects, such as draws or guessing games. The prizes were sometimes candy, other times items to do with their projects.

Many of the projects included artefacts from family heritage or cultural foods for people to try. 

The idea came from Clara Boyle, one of the three Grade 5 teachers. The last school she was at had a science fair and heritage fair alternating years, so she thought it was a good way to get a research project in for the students while giving them the opportunity to learn more about local history. 

The Grade 5 classes had a science fair last year, so the teachers hope to continue the alternating fairs annually in the future.