Kaleidoscope season begins


Submitted by Val Jarema, Kaleidoscope Concert Series

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As fall 2015 begins a new season for the Kaleidoscope Concert Series, the board would like to thank all of our patrons and sponsors for their support. 


We strive to bring the best quality entertainment for your enjoyment. The Roxy Theatre is an amazing venue that we are so lucky to rent in our community. Our performers all rave about the acoustics of this building.

Last July, we brought the British Columbia Boys choir as a summer event. Neepawa was selected as the only town in Manitoba for their prairie tour. This choir of 45 boys and a violin ensemble was amazing! This was a big undertaking for our board. Let me first thank our sponsors and all our families that billeted these boys and chaperones for two nights. We know and appreciate how much extra work it was for you. We could not have done it without you!!! 

Volunteers do not necessarily have the time. They just have the heart! Volunteers are paid in six figures: S-M-I-L-E-S. See you all at our next concert!