An opportunity to learn from one another


By Dianne Kowalchuk


Members of Rivers Women’s Institute (WI) love a good discussion about relevant topics. The program at the Sept. 11 meeting took the form of an informal conference on the topic of food literacy. Information was shared about Brandon Community Gardens Network and the city’s Good Food Box program. After that, each member took her turn to offer suggestions for better eating, better cooking and better growing. Everyone had something to contribute, including ideas about how to use up small bits of leftovers. Members expressed the wish that all women would have an opportunity to learn how to cook healthy food from scratch. How can we make that happen?

WI members enjoyed the opportunity to meet again after the summer break. Yvonne Gustafson gave a report about the provincial convention she attended in May and a report about a regional meeting she attended two days previously. Dianne Kowalchuk gave a report about the national convention she attended in Fredericton, N.B. in June — it was a blast! Other news is that president Arenda Vanderdeen is now a member of the provincial board as regional rep. 

A regional fall seminar will be held  Thursday, Oct. 15 in Erickson. This will be a fun day with speakers, food and entertainment. If you would like to attend, give Dianne or Arenda a call (204-328-7690 or 204-826-2626 respectively). Members spent some time discussing possible topics for resolutions that Rivers might submit for debate at the provincial convention in May.

The next meeting will be held on Friday, Oct. 9 at the home of Helen Stewart (140 Seventh Avenue, Rivers) at 1:30 p.m. The program will focus on Women’s History Month and will feature a video on a Canadian woman of the past. It’s going to be interesting — and lunch will be good, too! Please join us.