Learning how to clean the green way


By Dianne Kowalchuk


Did you know that you can make your own laundry soap by shaving a bar of Sunlight soap and mixing it with one cup of Borax and one cup of washing soda? Did you know that you can make your own washing soda by heating baking soda at 400 degrees until the soda turns grainy, dull and no longer clumps together?

You can also make your own dusting spray by mixing olive oil, distilled vinegar and essential oil. And you can make glass cleaner in your kitchen by mixing white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, cornstarch and water. 

These are just a few of the suggestions that members of Rivers Women’s Institute (WI) heard when they gathered on Sept. 12 to learn about “Cleaning Green.” This program was put together because most women have a desire to use cleaning products that are economical and environmentally friendly. The information was gathered by Pat Dyck and presented by Michelle McFadden. Members eagerly and willingly gave their own suggestions for homemade cleaning products.

The meeting, held at Michelle’s home, was a welcome opportunity to get together again after the summer break. Roll call was answered by each member describing a recent (or not-so-recent) household disaster. This proved to be very entertaining! Dianne Kowalchuk spoke briefly about the Canada Area convention she attended in Camrose, Alta. in June. The Southwest A regional seminar will be held at Basswood on Oct. 18; we hope to send a good representation. Rivers WI hopes to take an active part in a wellness day that is being planned for April 2015. 

The next meeting will be held at the home of Dianne Kowalchuk on Friday, Oct. 10 at 2 p.m. The program will focus on Women’s History Month. Members look forward to watching National Film Board productions that focus on women as prairie pioneers and women in the Second World War. WI meetings are always informative and fun. If you would like more information, call Arenda at 204-826-2626, Dianne at 204-328-7690 or Michelle at 204-328-7441.