

By Lisa Smith

The regular monthly meeting of Rivers Legion Ladies Auxiliary was held Tuesday, Sept. 2 because of the Labour Day holiday; 17 members attended. Minutes and reports were read and adopted.


Donations were given to Sara and Joseph Hunter for a trip to Halifax in 2015. They are members of Royal Canadian Sea Corps Swiftsure in Brandon. During their trip they will learn about the Battle of the Atlantic .

Due to rising food costs, luncheon and supper prices are increasing. There will be a Fun Day in Virden on Sept 27; it is open to all members of the auxiliary. Registration will begin at 10 a.m. A Community Places grant was received by the auxiliary to make improvements to the flowerbeds at the cenotaph. The auxiliary will help with the Meals on Wheels program in October.

The next meeting will be held Oct. 6; Mesdames Marlene Hayhurst and Donna Morken are on lunch.